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Android app development - kotlin vs java
Oct 09 2020

Best Choice for Android app development - kotlin vs java

A little piece of code written in Kotlin looks very smaller in comparison to Java. The Kotlin code has fewer bugs and errors in it. Also, the compilation, optimization, and execution of code are easy in Kotlin’s Android studio then in Java’s JVM. Not only this, but there are many other benefits provided by Kotlin which Java can’t perform for the betterment of Android app development. Let’s check…
Flutter vs Kotlin
Sep 30 2020

Which platform is the Best Choice for your Business - Flutter vs Kotlin?

Previously, cross-platform applications could only be developed using React Native. This was because the coders and businessmen are exploring more ways through mobile app development to reach a wider audience across the globe. Kotlin has likewise figured out how to enter the opposition, giving everyone a profound choice with other frameworks like ‘Flutter’. Powered by Google, Flutter is making…
benefits of for web application
Sep 23 2020

10 benefits of for web application development

ASP .NET significantly reduces code which is required for building large enterprise-grade and complex mobile and desktop applications while increasing the overall development speed, performance, flexibility, and scalability. Moreover, the ways .NET development architecture handles the projects, you can very well be assured of how it minimizes the development costs. Let us learn a few advantages…
Virtual Reality is Improving Education!
Sep 21 2020

5 Ways that Virtual Reality (VR) is Improving Education!

Education is the base for a thriving society, and the transfer of knowledge has been a top priority for civilizations since the very beginning. People are constantly looking for ways to make knowledge transfer more easily, more quickly, and more effectively. We live with digital devices that are aiding better learning. Virtual Reality (VR) seems to be the natural next step for the evolution of…
restaurant mobile app features
Sep 11 2020

Top 5 Features You Should Add In Your Restaurant Mobile App

Features are the main ingredients or components of any mobile app. Restaurant apps are on a boom and to survive in the competition you must have these features to help grow in the competition. What are the features a perfect restaurant mobile app must have? We bring you some major vital features for reinforcing the restaurant business within the mobile era.
artificial intelligence is transforming healthcare infographic
Sep 08 2020

9 Amazing ways Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Healthcare

Artificial intelligence in healthcare refers to the use of complex algorithms designed to perform certain tasks in an automated fashion to help researchers, doctors, and scientists. Here find the benefits of AI in healthcare, know the role of AI technologies, and see what is the future of AI in healthcare?


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