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Community Care NC

We know that human life expectancy has decreased in the last few decades since we stopped taking care of our health. Not only this but today’s health parameters are more dependent on modern and clinical advancements rather than natural care.

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Community Care NC

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Community Care NC Problem

We know that human life expectancy has decreased in the last few decades since we stopped taking care of our health. Not only this but today’s health parameters are more dependent on modern and clinical advancements rather than natural care. Everywhere on the globe, people are facing health problems though rich or poor. Therefore, we all need to assist each other in improving the quality of health and life. The best approach is reaching down to every person upon its health needs. But, connecting to all 7 billion people is very challenging and difficult. However, the only way we have is by forming local groups and communities that help in connecting more numbers.

Community Care NC Solution

The easiest method is making an online community at the local level with a mission statement to improve the health and quality of life. North Carolinians in the USA did it by building and supporting a better health community named COMMUNITY CARE for North Carolina partnered with the government. CCNC is a statewide healthcare program which serves 1.7 million Medicaid beneficiaries at local grounds with local teams resource

Community Care NC

Community Care NC Features

Multisite Setup: We have structured their website as a multisite setup, which means that our experts have linked this website to 7 different websites. These websites share a single codebase, allowing for easier maintenance and updates.

Custom Web Development: We have customized their Drupal website with high-end custom features and functionalities according to their business requirements facilitating their business with ease.
UI/UX Designing: The website emphasizes its expertise in UI/UX designing providing our clients with the most efficient, engaging, and dynamic web design providing them with easy & seamless navigation.

Drupal Theme Development: We have also designed a custom Drupal theme for our client Community Care NC delivering them with a proper engaging theme that represents their brand value.

Community Care NC Result

Promotes Primary Care: Community Care Physician Network support and enhance the basic care of the family at affordable prices and low costs. Clinical Programs: It is a population-based healthcare system that reaches out to priority patients and manages biological risk factors. Care Mangement: It excels in improving health care proportional to the growing complex health needs. Actionable Analytics: CCNC launches new strategies to identify patients likely to get most of the benefits from collected health data, clinical cures and care management analytics

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